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Showing posts from June, 2019

Some of The Innovative Features Included in The World’s Best Grocery Delivery Apps

The most innovative brands are growing fastly in market. Now you don't have to go on your weekly grocery shopping with long list of fruits, vegetables and groceries purchased. There are many grocery service available like instacart, shipt, amazon prime, peapod, kroger and many more become popular due to their efficient services and better user-friendly apps. Let's checkout some innovative and uniques features of some popular grocery delivery services: Shipt Big basket Instashop Instacart and why it is important to hire the best grocery develiery app development company... read more

How to Build an App Like Go-Jek

The name Go-jek comes from the term that was "Ojek". It was found throughout Indonesia. Go-jek rapid growth and market scenario in Indonesia have prominent media coverage including stemming from a conventional taxi and ojek services. Once Gojek app is popular, a number of business and individuals found a solution to create an app like Gojek in their respective country. Multiple services on a single platform Cost-effective solution Wide usage Exclusive deals Easy to navigate Multiple payment options A wide number of locations Now you know about what Gojek is all about, now proceed further of our main points How to create an app like Gojek? To create an app like Gojek it is not an easy task. It is more than coding, design, and launch. There are many steps involved for creating an app idea for the app to seeing live on the store. After making an app it's not easy to become successful and popular. Developing mobile apps demands a great deal of time and...